About Us

Our Story

eExchange began as a search for a way to automate trading of unlisted securities in Canada. In the process of finding a solution, we found a number of under serviced niche markets of interest to retail investors in the United States and elsewhere. These niche markets include: municipal bonds, foreign currency, unlisted and foreign securities, Put & Call options and after-hours trading.

Finding an economical solution for after-hours trading led to consolidating certain functions of the exchange, broker & clearing house into an integrated exchange that operates 24 hours a day with cash T+0 settlement. The eExchange concept received a boost from a comment about settlement that Alan Greenspan made to the Financial Markets Conference; Greenspan referred to settlement on T+0 as the ultimate goal.

While eExchange incorporates certain broker functions such as client order entry and client accounting, eExchange does not compete with traditional broker activities such as underwriting, arbitrage, trading, market making, portfolio management, investment research and financial advice. It is anticipated that brokers will be market makers for many of the securities that trade on eExchange.

We believe that 24 hour trading for securities and foreign currencies is presently unavailable to retail investors. At this time, none of the exchanges offer weekend or 24-hour a day trading.

At present, extended after-hours trading is limited to large investors and financial institutions. A Wall Street Journal advertisement provides a glimpse of who trades after-hours: Soros Financial Management placed an advertisement for a night execution trader to work the 2am to 10am shift.

eExchange was created by a small group of developers, including Russell Martel and Damon Malkiewicz.

Meet the Team

Russell Martel

President & Director of E-Ltd & E-LLC

Mr. Martel’s work taking small companies through the maze of securities regulations in Canada led to the development of eExchange. Mr. Martel’s particular expertise relating to the eExchange project includes 18 years as a broker in Toronto and Calgary including two years as controller of St. Lawrence Securities, a member of the Toronto Stock Exchange. Mr. Martel has also served as a member and governor of the Alberta Stock Exchange.

Damon Malkiewicz

Vice President
Mr. Malkiewicz is a software developer and network administrator who was responsible for programming the eExchange prototype and Pilot software. He has experience as a programmer/analyst with automotive software service providers, where he has delivered software applications on wireless devices to the big three automakers.

Real time trading & continuous cash T+0 settlement

For a demonstration and investment opportunities, contact us today!
eCanada Exchange
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